We offer many services and resources to our community families. Starting with our weekly worship services on Saturdays where you can come and worship our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. In addition to our Saturday worship service, we also offer Prayer Services, Bible Studies, Pastoral Counseling, Kids Club, & Resources for your outside worship needs and inquiries. Feel free to join us and use our website resources to aid in your journey with Christ!
Bible Questions is here to answer your Biblical questions from a source you can trust--the Bible! We do that by:

Breath of Life
Breath of Life Ministries seeks to help individuals discover the truth of God’s life-enabling concern for their well-being. The mission of Breath of Life Ministries is to present the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ to all people groups from a contemporary, urban perspective.

Amazing Facts
Amazing Facts began in 1965 with a brilliant radio idea to attract listeners from all walks of life. Joe Crews, the ministry's first speaker, opened each radio broadcast with an amazing fact and then followed with a related biblical message that everyone could understand. At the end of each program, he offered a free Bible lesson to encourage listeners to study God's Word for themselves.

Sabbath Questions
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is profitable for correction, reproof, and instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16) and that it reveals the almighty God.

Message Magazine
Then, Message was The Gospel Herald, a little paper produced first by James Edson White in 1898 on a steamboat called The Morning Star. His idea was to minister to that first generation of emancipated persons in need of education, vocation, and spiritual uplifting. The little paper has turned into Message, an award winning, bi-monthly, 32-page religious journal that features uplifting interviews, thoughtful analysis of current events and the prophetic voice of spiritual leaders.

Online Giving
Online Giving allows you to return your tithe and give your offerings while you do your online banking, are on a business trip, on vacation or if you are unable to attend church due to an illness. Most importantly, if you desire to give back to the Lord of your first-fruits as soon as you have them, you can do it immediately through this portal